My mom told me. One of her friend had to absent himself, leaving behind two children, the eldest was five. She put a pan with meatballs on the stove to come and warm up immediately. Under the table, put a pot Teach children that it is under the table in the kitchen and left. The kids played, then wanted to eat, got on the stove, found and ate cakes. Children somehow put a pan under the table.
When they itch is more, they crawled under the table and, without hesitation, pulled out the first thing that they got - that same pan. As luck and a pan, and a pot of green and were almost the same size. The children did not see the difference and make their case in a pan. Both were covered with crockery lid. Then one of them, without any intention of put it on the stove ...
Mother returned home, quickly turned on the stove and began to get out on the farm ...
Strange smell drifted through the apartment. She looked into the toilet - all right. Opened the window - the smell did not disappear, but rather increased. Opened the door with indignation, but the smell in the stairwell was not ... She was knocking neighbors. Soon the neighbors have gathered around her apartment ... When the source was found, everyone was crying ...